Saturday 6 January 2007


I have just discovered how to work this computer thing so will fill you in on the last couple of months. I came to live with my foster family in October. They didn't know what it was like to have a dog until they had me, so I have managed to pull the wool over their eyes a few times along the way.
Like the time I had an itch and rolled on my back and did my mad dog impression, you should have seen their faces. I swear they were going to rush me off to the vets.

I have been 0n quite a few adventures and been to:

Milton Keynes
Various places around Suffolk

I like it when we go out and about as I get to meet lots of people and once I give them my "sad dog" look they just want to talk to me. My foster dad gets really embarrassed then. I want to know why won't the squirrels stay to play with

What is it about you humans and the amount of baths you make us dogs take? What's wrong with a bit of mud?

Woof Woof for now Poppie

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